As we approach the end of 2014 we take time to look back and remember:
On the 4 Sundays of Advent we have been reflecting on how each of the Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) represent the 'big' story of the Bible - the story of God becoming Man in order to be our Saviour. Luke presents Jesus to us as the Son of Man who is, in fact, the Saviour of the World! We observe how Luke is a careful researcher and a skillful writer and how he pays attention to so much detail in order that Theophilus (1:1-4) and by us (the readers today) may know for sure that this seemingly unbelievable Story really is true and trustworthy! Jesus becomes truly Human and comes alongside of us in our brokenness and then becomes our Saviour by dying and rising from the dead! May we never lose the Wonder of the Story! Let us worship Him this Christmas Season.
Listen below or right click here to download the file We are pleased to give details of the concert schedule for the
Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Conductor Roger McMurrin 1. Tuesday 16th December at 17:00 - Messiah performance at Immanuel Church (Logvenenko / Jibek Jolu) - Free concert 2. Wednesday 17th December at 16:00 - Elijah by Mendelssohn performance at Shubina School (Moscovskaya 101 / Erkindik) - Free concert 3. Saturday 20th December at 18:00 - Christmas Concert at Philharmonia - 500som per ticket 4. Sunday 21st December at 18:00 - Jazz Concert at Philharmonia - 500som per ticket We are excited to host our Christmas Eve service once again this year with singing of carols and a mixture of special music and drama from various countries. PLEASE NOTE that it will not be held at our usual location... Here are the details:
WHEN: December 24th - 7pm to 9pm WHERE: 'Slova Zhiznyi' Church - Kurenkeev Street 148 (cross street Sovetskaya) - see map below WHAT: A service of carols and candles, readings and reflections, singing and special music followed by an informal time with hot apple cider and tea/coffee. Each year the season of Advent consists of 4 Sundays where we look more closely at the amazing story that sits at the center of the story of the Bible. This story is of such importance in the Bible that it is told not just from one perspective, but from four! Matthew, Mark, Luke and John each record their own versions of God breaking into human history by becoming one of us in the Person of Jesus. This year, we are privileged to look at this Big Story through the eyes of each of the storytellers. On November 30 we opened the series by looking at the story through the eyes of Matthew and noticed his emphasis on Jesus as the King who came in the line of David and was the fulfillment of the whole Old Testament story. This coming Sunday, December 7, we will look at how Mark presents Jesus from a more Roman perspective and shows him to be a Servant King - the one who comes 'not be be served, but to serve'.
We welcome you to join us as we worship together on these Advent Sundays! (Due to technical difficulties, the first 2 sermons are not uploaded in audio format). Here is an outline of our Sundays:
May 2024