in our final lesson in John's Gospel we have this beautiful picture of restoration that takes place around the breakfast fire! Restoration is the work which God loves to do!
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Today we simply focus our thoughts to hear John's description of this central and foundational event of Christian faith. We seek to respond with thankful hearts that are ready to lay down our lives completely for the One who gave Himself for us.
Listen below or right click here to download the file John continues to show himself to be a master story-teller as he skillfully weaves the events of the suffering of Jesus into a description where we see the most powerful figures, by earthly standards, reduced to pathetic individuals who sell their souls in order to hold onto their positions of power. Meanwhile, Jesus, who at first glance appears weak and defeated, is presented still, in the midst of suffering as the True King! He is fully in charge of all of these events. No-one will take his life away from him, but he willingly lays his life into the hands of those who carry out this miscarriage of justice. In the midst of this compelling account we are reminded that Jesus also suffered as a man and therefore he understands our sufferings. May we respond by taking comfort from him and also by humbly worshiping him with our whole hearts!
Listen below or right click here to download the file Today we have the enormous privilege to listen in on the most intimate conversations recorded in Scripture between Jesus and His Father. This, is holy ground! As Jesus prays, several themes emerge to which we do well to pay attention. May you be blessed as you participate in this conversation!
Listen below or right click here to download the file As Jesus continues to earnestly prepare His disciples for the confusing days that lie ahead, he now turns to offer what are at the same time words of realism as well as words of comfort and hope. He says, 'In this world you will have trouble... but take heart, I have overcome the world!' We continue to live in a world where trouble is inescapable. Our text today offers to us also words of realism, yet words of comfort and hope!
Listen below or right click here to download the file In John 15, Jesus continues his work of preparing His friends for what will be an excruciatingly difficult event for them to go through - His soon coming arrest, torture and crucifixion. In our text today, He employs a very familiar analogy (vines, branches, grapes), but we notice that He uses it in a way that would be shocking for His original hearers, while at the same time a beautiful invitation to intimacy and True Life. Let us marvel together at the beauty of His words!
Listen below or right click here to download the file We observe today why this part of John's Gospel is called the Book of Glory. John 14:31-32 mentions the word 'glory' 5 times! We then go on to observe 5 characters who each in their own way provoke Jesus, by means of their actions or their words, to speak passionately and compassionately as he earnestly seeks to prepare his friends for the confusing event that is soon to take place! We may relate to one or more of these characters as we observe their questions...
Listen below or right click here to download the file Today we have the privilege to re-engage the Gospel of John! Beginning in chapter 13, we enter into the 2nd major section of John's Gospel which many have entitled 'the Book of Glory'. Here, in this opening scene we come across a totally unexpected turn of events! In anticipation of the soon coming crisis (his death on the cross), Jesus gathers with his closest friends for a meal and He (!) is the one who humbly puts on a towel and washes the feet of his friends. There is much to learn by observing this scene!
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May 2024