Chapters 9 & 10 of Hosea carry forward similar language to the previous couple of chapters. Hosea is pressing the people strongly with specific language related to 2 main themes - a) he describes in great detail exactly how the people had turned away from God; how they had disobeyed him and broken the conditions of the covenant, and b) he clearly states that judgment is coming against the people because of their choice to turn away from God's unfailing love. In the midst of this difficult language, God, through Hosea, offers a different way to respond, 'Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you' (10:12). We seek to imagine how these strong words can apply to us today!
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Unfortunately, audio recordings are NOT available for lessons 4 & 5! Here's a brief summary.
Today we encounter some strong language where God, through the prophet, calls the people to account for the many ways in which they have turned away. Specifically we notice, there is no faithfulness, no love, and no acknowledgment of God in the land! Consequences are clearly laid out - the people have broken the covenant relationship which had been established through Moses. One lesson we learn is that God calls us to a covenant relationship! Let us respond to His unfailing love!
Listen below or right click here to download the file The strong message of Hosea is that God loves his people with a covenant, unfailing love - even when they turn away from him! The striking image on Chapter 2 is that God 'allures' his people, seeking to draw them back to his love. We call this lesson, 'Knowing and Responding to God's Incomprehensible Love'
Listen below or right click here to download the file We begin a 9 part study in the small prophet of Hosea in the Old Testament. The early chapters contain a strong 'living parable' as God asks the prophet to marry an unfaithful woman in order to paint a vivid picture of how He has loved His people, but they have turned away! In this first chapter we see a vivid portrayal of 'God's unfailing love for a failing people'.
Listen below or right click here to download the file in our final lesson in John's Gospel we have this beautiful picture of restoration that takes place around the breakfast fire! Restoration is the work which God loves to do!
Listen below or right click here to download the file Dear friends of ICB,
If you've been coming here lately to look for uploaded sermons, I apologize! For reasons I won't go into, I have been very slow in uploading the available sermons. Added to that, is the fact that 2 Sundays in May were not able to be recorded and so the Hosea series, unfortunately, will be incomplete! I take full responsibility for the slow uploading and the lack of recording! Thanks for joining us here! Phil Horton Pastor, ICB |
May 2024