Dear Friends,
We are looking forward to a Family Celebration service this coming Sunday morning, November 23 at our 10am service. We plan to have a Baby Dedication along with several baptisms. It will be a short service of celebration followed by a longer time of fellowship together. PLEASE bring something to share! Some kind of 'snack food' would be best - something we can eat with our fingers. We will provide tea/coffee and cold drinks. All are welcome!
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Peter has been writing to us about 'Living Well as Foreigners'. Drawing his thoughts to conclusion, he combines several themes into one strong appeal. With a sense of urgency, he says, 'clothe yourselves with humility'. Today we consider that humility is not thinking less of ourselves than we should, but rather thinking carefully and truthfully. True humility gives us a strength of character that allows us to receive both praise and criticism without either becoming 'puffed up' or 'demoralized'. This is a vital characteristic to live well in a situation where there is much suffering, Peter says. May we learn the lessons of this letter well and be able to say along with Peter - 'to Him be the power for ever and ever, amen!'
Listen below or right click here to download the file. The heart of our passage today seems to be expressed in verse 16: "if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name." This is much easier said than done! Four truths help us to live this out: 1) it should not be a surprise, but rather a privilege to share in the sufferings of Jesus (verses 12-13); 2) we are blessed immeasurably when we suffer for His name (14); 3) we must be careful to suffer for the correct reasons - not for our own foolishness (15); 4) Judgment against sin is both a present and future reality in our world (17-18). In summary Peter calls us to 2 clear actions: cling to the One who is our Faithful Creator and continue to do what is good. Within these words is a strong message of hope and encouragement. May we receive it from him!
Listen below or right click here to download the file |
May 2024