The Feast of Tabernacles provides the vivid backdrop for John's picture of Jesus in John 7. We notice that among the strong traditions of this most joyful festival of the Jewish calendar is the Water Ceremony. As the priest would draw water from the pool of Siloam, the people would sing and dance words from the Old Testament reminding themselves that God had provided water from the rock to save His people as they wandered in the desert. In the midst of this celebration, Jesus stands up and declares, "All who are thirsty, come to me and drink!" In these words the Jews would immediately recognize that Jesus is claiming to be God - after all, only God can supply water for the earth. Once again we see the people are divided - some believe; some turn away. The story at the beginning of John 8 provides a living example of a thirsty (broken) woman who drinks and finds life through Jesus words - 'nor do I condemn you'.
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We note today that the whole of this chapter must be seen in light of the celebration of Passover. The event of Exodus provides a rich tapestry which serves as a background to the startling claim of Jesus, "I AM the Bread of Life!" We explore today the way in which all 4 parts of this great chapter contribute to the richness of this mysterious claim of Jesus. In the end, we, like the disciples, are faced with a choice - to 'turn away' because the saying is too difficult, or to 'believe and know' along with Peter...
Listen below or right click here to download the file. In this scene, John shows Jesus interacting with two people who are very different from each other and yet there are similarities which allow us to see the skill with which John puts these images together. In the first instance, Jesus crosses over all kinds of cultural barriers to speak with a desperate Samaritan woman who believes wholeheartedly without a physical sign and brings her whole community to believe along with her. In the second, Jesus is met by a desperate 'royal official' from his home region who cries out for healing for his dying son. Jesus heals his son 'from a distance' and in response to this, the official and his whole family believe. Through all of these scenes, John continues to build our confidence in believing Jesus!
NOTE: due to technical difficulties, we are not able to provide a recording of today's message. In today's text we are reminded that, just like the lame man, we must also to look to Jesus to receive life. Jesus longs to give us wholeness and healing - he invites us to turn to Him. In this picture we also receive a clear reminder that we coming to believe in Jesus is coming to a relationship. We do not follow a religious set of rules or even a holy book. We follow a Person! God invites us to relationship with him through Jesus.
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May 2024