We're back! After a good summer break for many of us, we are now beginning to re-gather for the Fall season at ICB. Our summer time was filled with good memories - some of us traveling in different places; some us of faithfully attending summer services as we worked our way through the first 6 chapters of Daniel. See the next post on this blog for a summary and the mp3 recording of our introduction to the next great book in our study series - the Gospel of John.
Many blessings, Phil Horton Pastor, ICB
Dear Friends,
We are looking forward to a Family Celebration service this coming Sunday morning, November 23 at our 10am service. We plan to have a Baby Dedication along with several baptisms. It will be a short service of celebration followed by a longer time of fellowship together. PLEASE bring something to share! Some kind of 'snack food' would be best - something we can eat with our fingers. We will provide tea/coffee and cold drinks. All are welcome! Dear friends! Martha & I have the opportunity to travel to North American in order to introduce each other to our family and friends. I will not be asking our visiting speakers to post their sermons on our website, so there will be no updates or posts for the coming few weeks. I look forward to interacting with you a little later in the summer! May your summer be blessed!
Phil Horton pastor, ICB Dear Friends of ICB,
Helping Hands is collecting MENS SHOES this week. Can you help? Shoes must be in good wearable condition. Please bring the church this coming Sunday, June 8th or deliver this week to Hope Academy. If you are an International Student (i.e. - you are studying here away from your passport country), then you are welcome to join us at ICB (529 Jibek Jolu) for our International Student evening on March 8th at 5:30pm. Come and join us for an evening of games, fun, good food, discussion about the whole idea of 'relationships' and a celebration of International Women's day! We hope you can come!
Dear Friends and followers of our website at ICB! You may have noticed silence over the past month! That is because I have been on a special leave of absence to celebrate my recent marriage! God has blessed me with a beautiful wife and we have been away on our honeymoon! We are now back in Bishkek and looking forward to re-engaging the work of ICB wholeheartedly. In my absence, a couple of very capable preachers began a new series in the book of Ephesians in our Sunday morning services. Look for more details to be included on our website soon. Meanwhile, thanks for you interest in the work of ICB. May God bless you in every way! I'd love to hear from you! Pastor Phil
The International Student Gathering that was scheduled for last Saturday evening now has a new time!
It will now be held: Sunday December 22, 2013 at the usual location (529 Jibek Jolu) in the afternoon (NOT the evening) 3:30pm. Bring your friends! Don't miss it! PLEASE NOTE: The International Student evening planned for Saturday December 14th has been postponed! Please check back here for further information regarding the new date and time! Thanks for your understanding!
Join us for an evening of games, food and interaction with a story. 5pm Saturday February 9th at ICB.
It's official, the International Church of Bishkek is now on Facebook. Please visit our page and click the Like button if you want to be notified when new posts are made.
May 2024