In this final consideration of the Fruit of the Spirit we remind ourselves of our Identity - we are children of God! When we choose to follow Jesus, a significant transformation takes place within us! The challenge then is for us to live fully into our new identity in Jesus. As we do that the Fruit of the Spirit will become evident! Today we briefly consider the possibilities of what 'faithfulness', 'gentleness' and 'self-control' might look like in us as the Life of Jesus is lived out from us.
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Today we consider the 2nd group of 3 characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit - Patience, Kindness, Goodness. We realize we can never do these things by our own strength! Let it be the Life of Jesus flowing through me and producing His fruit in my actions!
Listen below or right click here to download the file Having looked over the past months at the Life of Jesus as presented to us by John the Apostle, we now turn for a 3 week look at the Fruit of the Spirit as we ask the question: What does the Life of Jesus look like in me? One of the profound mysteries of Christian faith is that when we believe in and receive the story of Jesus, God Himself comes to live inside of us! This is expressed in many ways throughout the New Testament. Here, in Galatians 5, Paul identifies nine characteristics of the Life of Jesus in me. Today we do an overview and then look briefly at the first 3 - Love, Joy, and Peace.
Listen below or right click here to download the file This week we come to a watershed chapter in John's account of the life of Jesus. Up until now, the message from Jesus has been 'my hour has not yet come'. In this chapter, however, when the 'Greeks' come looking for him, Jesus says, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified' (12:23). In this language we see how John paints a strong picture of the suffering and death of Jesus (a time of human weakness) as the time of his glorification! There Jesus will defeat the power of sin and death! Three key events prepare the way for Jesus to be in Jerusalem for what we know as the Passion Week. This chapter is once again full of emotion as we see Jesus as fully human and yet fully God!
Listen below or right click here to download the file In today's text, the sign miracles of Jesus reach their highest peak! Who else has ultimate authority over life and death so as to be able to raise one who has been dead for four days?! At the same time this chapter reveals something to us of the tender humanness of Jesus also. How he loved this family! How he is moved with compassion and deep emotion! Let us stand together in awe of the power of this picture of Jesus!
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May 2024