We had a great start to our Bible Overview series together considering the theme of Creation! Our infinite, majestic God who is the Creator of the Universe creates humankind 'in his image'. Everything is in perfect harmony and balance. This week we observe how quickly the story changes with the description of 'The Fall' in Genesis 3. Even in this account we observe the seed of God's plan for redemption!
Click here for a link to the outline and questions for this week!
The central imperative of our text is expressed negatively and then positively: 'do not get drunk on wine... be filled with the Spirit'. What does this look like?? Paul expresses the practical application of this in 2 spheres. First, in the community of believers there should be enthusiastic worship through music (sing to one another; make music wholehearted to the Lord); through a life characterized by thanksgiving (always give thanks for everything!); and then through... submitting to one another of our reverence for Christ. Second, Paul goes on to talk about what Spirit-filling looks like in the context of a marriage relationship. Under the umbrella of the phrase 'submitting to one another' he goes on to say - 'wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord' and 'husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church'. We note in our observations that this is of urgent importance for all of us to hear - not just husbands and wives! Family relationships are the foundations stones of any society - how important it is that we pay attention to this text and apply it in our own context! May we 'hear' and 'do' and may it be for his glory in our families!
Listen below or right click here to download We embark on a new journey this coming Sunday evening at 5pm! Over a period of 15 weeks we will do an overview of the Story of the Bible. The goal is that we all would come away from this study with a renewed sense of the Grand Story of the Bible and realize that we continue to live in that Story! Each week there will be a different theme - check out the 'Bible Overview' tab on our website to see the themes and the dates we will be studying each of them. Please join us! 5pm to 6:45pm or so each Sunday evening!
Click here to see some discussion questions for this coming Sunday night March 23 - Creation! We seek to approach this text with humility, honesty and transparency! Paul is pressing into the areas of our lives which are often kept secret and challenges us to 'live in the light'. In particular he addresses the issues of sexual impurity, greed, and careless talking / joking. These things ought to be replaced with thankfulness from a heart that seeks after goodness, righteousness and truth. Paul uses bold language to call us to pay attention to these things. May we be ready to respond to the Spirit's work in our lives in these areas. May we be ready to help each other to read and think carefully and respond with integrity!
Listen below or right click here to download Hi! This is our 2nd week of posting the questions ahead of Sunday so that you may have the opportunity to look ahead and prepare for our Sunday evening discussion on March 16th. We will be looking at the last few verses of the letter of Philippians - 4:10-23. Two primary and important themes emerge from this text - contentment and giving. Pray that God will teach us and that we will be ready to hear Him and respond.
Please click here for a complete outline of the text including questions. Paul's words in this section of his letter strike close to home! He is stepping into our experience and describing a picture of what it is that ought to characterize our relationships if we are truly living as those who have put off the old, futile way of thinking, and have put on the new self which is being renewed in the attitude of our minds (see last week!). Five themes emerge in this passage: truth; controlled anger; productivity & generosity; grace-filled words; kindness & forgiveness. We stand humbly before this text asking for the strength of Jesus to give us what we need to live out His life in these ways!
Listen below or right click here to download Hello! I wish to direct your attention to our Sunday evening discussion services at ICB which we call SALUTATION. Through the link below you may access the Scripture passage to be studied this coming Sunday and the suggested questions. Please prayerfully consider them and we look forward to seeing you Sunday at 5pm!
View the discussion questions for Philippians 3:17-4:9 If you are an International Student (i.e. - you are studying here away from your passport country), then you are welcome to join us at ICB (529 Jibek Jolu) for our International Student evening on March 8th at 5:30pm. Come and join us for an evening of games, fun, good food, discussion about the whole idea of 'relationships' and a celebration of International Women's day! We hope you can come!
The opening words of our passage - 'I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord' - give us the idea that Paul wants us to pay particular attention to what he is about to say. And so we ask, what is of such great importance?? His ensuing words challenge us to think about how we think! What is it that informs our minds? Specifically, he calls us to turn away from a 'futile way of thinking' that is characterized by self-centered, unbridled passion and greed; and instead, 'be made new in the attitude of your minds' by putting off the old self and putting on the new self which is Christ. The practical challenge from our text today is to ask ourselves - what are we allowing to influence our thinking! Let us put a guard around our minds by being careful what we read, what we watch and what we listen to. Let us 'be transformed by the renewing of our minds!'
Listen below or right click here to download. |
May 2024