The beauty and power of the picture presented by John in Scene 3 is enhanced by a careful understanding of the structure of the chapter. We observe that there are 2 conversations - the first with Jesus (3:1-15); the second about Jesus (3:2-30). Each conversation is followed by a commentary by John the Apostle. We notice John pens these commentaries many years after the events actually occur; they are written from a post-resurrection, Holy Spirit-filled perspective and therefore carry much weight and clarity with regard to the bigger picture of why Jesus came to earth. "For God so loved the world..."
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Having been announced as 'the Son of God' and 'the King of Israel' at the end of Scene 1 by Nathanael, one might expect the next scene to open with a suitable kingly display of power, but John surprising introduces Jesus to us as a simple invitee to one of the most common of human celebrations - a wedding. His glory is revealed there, though not to everyone - only his family and his disciples know that it was His power that changed water into wine! Similarly, in the event of the cleansing of the Temple (Act 2 of Scene 2), the display of the glory of Jesus is only given clearly to the disciples. In both Act 1 and 2 of this Scene, we find a strikingly similar result - his disciples 'believed' in him! John is a masterful painter as he recreates these scenes so that as we read them, we too may grow in our confidence of faith - He really IS the Messiah sent from God to wash away the sins of the whole world!
Listen below or right click here to download the file We are viewing John's Gospel as a work of art - perhaps a skillfully painted depiction of life on canvas; or perhaps a well crafted story in dramatic form. Either way, the latter part of chapter 1 is 'Scene 1'. Here we find a vivid description of Jesus being revealed as the One who is 'the Word become flesh'. John the Baptizer is the primary witness. We are also meet 5 of Jesus' early followers and in the unfolding of the drama we learn so much about the nature of what it means to become a follower of Jesus. In particular we observe three steps - 'meeting, knowing, and following' Jesus!
Listen below or right click here to download the file It is hard to overestimate the importance of the words that make up the Prologue of John. In these verses John is employing words which push the boundaries of human comprehension is his effort to describe for us not only the mystery of God, but, in particular, the mystery of God made flesh. In these powerful words John seeks to expand our understanding of the true nature of Jesus (Christology); in these verses he also describes our world, showing that we live in darkness and have rejected Jesus. However, he also speaks about the possibility of salvation through believing and receiving Jesus and thus establishes and points forward to a theology of Hope that he will portray in much detail in the chapters to come. May we today be drawn to a place of Wonder and Worship and we consider the reality of these words: 'the Word became flesh and dwelled among us'.
Listen below or right click here to download the message We continue in our study of this majestic piece of literature that is the prologue, or overture to the great Symphony that is the Gospel of John. John is setting the course here, introducing us to the great themes he will later unfold in greater detail. Today we once again hear themes which defy human logic and yet push us to understand just a little more about the mystery of God: 1) Jesus is Eternal; 2) Jesus is God; 3) Jesus is the Creator of Everything; 4) Jesus is the Light of the Word; 5) Jesus is the Only Way for us to become Children of God. May we hear and respond!
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May 2024