With urgency in his voice, Paul closes his letter by calling us to pay attention to our surroundings. In particular he want us to know for sure that we live in a world that is bombarded by evil; a world where the 'spiritual forces of evil' are at work, seeking to undermine and destroy truth. Using the analogy of a suit of armor, he calls his readers to equip themselves with 6 instruments of defense: truth; righteousness; peace; faith; salvation and the word of God. The language Paul uses indicates that we may have absolute confidence and stand strong against evil with these defenses in place. There is no need to fear. Prayer is added to the discussion as another essential discipline - not just sometimes; but always... for all people! And so we see Paul drawing his letter to conclusion with this very strong encouragement so that we may truly know how to receive the life and Jesus into our lives and in turn live it out fully and carefully! May God be glorified in our lives!
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We note carefully that our text today is connected not only to Eph 5:22-33 (words about wives / husbands) but also to words in 5:15-21. The overriding imperative (command) of the whole passage is: 'Be filled with the Spirit'. One of the characteristic marks of being filled with the Spirit is 'submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ' (v. 21). We noticed last week that this phrase acts like a 'hinge phrase' which connects 15-21 to the following section which is comprised of 3 sets of relationships - wives/husbands (5:22-33); children/parents (6:1-4); and slaves/masters (6:5-9). ALL of these relationships fall under the umbrella of 'submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ'! Underneath this overriding theme we hear specific words given to each member of the household and community. Our question for this message is: how do I, in my position in the family or community structure, live out the life of Jesus in a way that gives glory to God? May we truly hear His Word in this text!!
Listen below or right click here to download. The central imperative of our text is expressed negatively and then positively: 'do not get drunk on wine... be filled with the Spirit'. What does this look like?? Paul expresses the practical application of this in 2 spheres. First, in the community of believers there should be enthusiastic worship through music (sing to one another; make music wholehearted to the Lord); through a life characterized by thanksgiving (always give thanks for everything!); and then through... submitting to one another of our reverence for Christ. Second, Paul goes on to talk about what Spirit-filling looks like in the context of a marriage relationship. Under the umbrella of the phrase 'submitting to one another' he goes on to say - 'wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord' and 'husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church'. We note in our observations that this is of urgent importance for all of us to hear - not just husbands and wives! Family relationships are the foundations stones of any society - how important it is that we pay attention to this text and apply it in our own context! May we 'hear' and 'do' and may it be for his glory in our families!
Listen below or right click here to download We seek to approach this text with humility, honesty and transparency! Paul is pressing into the areas of our lives which are often kept secret and challenges us to 'live in the light'. In particular he addresses the issues of sexual impurity, greed, and careless talking / joking. These things ought to be replaced with thankfulness from a heart that seeks after goodness, righteousness and truth. Paul uses bold language to call us to pay attention to these things. May we be ready to respond to the Spirit's work in our lives in these areas. May we be ready to help each other to read and think carefully and respond with integrity!
Listen below or right click here to download Paul's words in this section of his letter strike close to home! He is stepping into our experience and describing a picture of what it is that ought to characterize our relationships if we are truly living as those who have put off the old, futile way of thinking, and have put on the new self which is being renewed in the attitude of our minds (see last week!). Five themes emerge in this passage: truth; controlled anger; productivity & generosity; grace-filled words; kindness & forgiveness. We stand humbly before this text asking for the strength of Jesus to give us what we need to live out His life in these ways!
Listen below or right click here to download The opening words of our passage - 'I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord' - give us the idea that Paul wants us to pay particular attention to what he is about to say. And so we ask, what is of such great importance?? His ensuing words challenge us to think about how we think! What is it that informs our minds? Specifically, he calls us to turn away from a 'futile way of thinking' that is characterized by self-centered, unbridled passion and greed; and instead, 'be made new in the attitude of your minds' by putting off the old self and putting on the new self which is Christ. The practical challenge from our text today is to ask ourselves - what are we allowing to influence our thinking! Let us put a guard around our minds by being careful what we read, what we watch and what we listen to. Let us 'be transformed by the renewing of our minds!'
Listen below or right click here to download. We reach a turning point in Paul's letter. With increasing intensity and excitement he has been describing the marvelous mystery of what God did by sending Jesus into the world to offer New Life and Forgiveness to ALL nations of the world. Last week we saw this come to a mighty crescendo with the doxology the end of chapter 3. Today he turns to the 'so what question'. What difference does this make in the way in which we live? Unity and Holiness are held up as marks of true Christian faith. Today's passage particularly emphasizes unity. The following outline summarizes our conversation last Sunday:
I. CHRISTIAN UNITY DEPENDS ON OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE (EPH. 4:2-3). Christian unity depends on our: •HUMILITY •GENTLENESS •PATIENCE •TOLERANCE II. CHRISTIAN UNITY EMERGES FROM THE UNITY OF OUR GOD (Eph. 4:4-6) There is: •One BODY •One SAVIOR, •One HOPE, •One LORD, •One FAITH, •One BAPTISM •One GOD One FATHER. III. CHRISTIAN UNITY IS ENRICHED BY THE DIVERSITY OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS. (Eph. 4:7-12) •APOSTLES •PROPHETS •EVANGELISTS •PASTORS, TEACHERS IV CHISTIAN UNITY REQUIRES OUR GROWTH IN MATURITY(Eph. 4:13-16) To grow in maturity we must: •Have a better knowledge of the SON OF GOD and have Him as an example of perfect man (v.13) •Be careful with the "WINDS OF DOCTRINE " (v. 14) Follow the TRUTH in love and COOPERATE with others (v.15-16) Sadly, we had trouble with our recording equipment, so there is no audio version of this message to upload! Our passage today builds to a strong crescendo as Paul becomes overwhelmed with the reality of what he describes. Up until this point he has been speaking in increasingly excited terms about what God did by sending Jesus into the world. 'For this reason...' he begins our section today - and then proceeds to offer up what I consider to be one of the most beautiful prayers in Scripture. He wants us to know with certainty a) that we have the Presence of Jesus within us; and b) that the love of Jesus which is beyond measure is yet available to us to know in increasing measure! May this be our experience! To Him be all Glory!
Listen below or right click here to download Here in the early part of chapter 3 we sense that Paul is feeling overwhelmed at the privilege he has been given to be a messenger of the Good News of what God had done through sending Jesus into the world. He uses very diminutive language as he says, 'though I am less than the least of all the Lord's people, this grace was given to me...' His privilege was to preach to the Gentiles (the nations) the boundless riches of Jesus, a mystery which was kept hidden for ages past, but now has been revealed. In reading this language, one really senses Paul expressing what a privilege it is to be a messenger of such a Good News story! May we also stand in awe of the clarity of the message and may we too feel privileged to participate in the same Good News as a part of the Church which displays the manifold (many-sided) wisdom of God (v. 10-11). May this sense of privilege provoke in us a response of praise and obedience.
Listen below or right click here to download For the purposes of this blog we are jumping into the Ephesians series at chapter 2 verse 11. Many commentators see this passage (2:11-22) as the 'key and high point' of the whole letter! Paul writes here about the mystery of the establishment of the Church in the world. The language is powerful and unmistakable - through sending Jesus into the world, God has made it possible for all nations (both those of Jewish heritage and the Gentiles, i.e. all other nations of the world) to equally have access to the Father through the work of Jesus, by one Spirit (check out verse 18). His purpose? To create one new humanity that would become a holy temple where the members of this Church become living stones who are built together to become the very dwelling place of God on earth. These are remarkable truths that ought to provoke a response of worship, thanksgiving and obedience in those who pay attention. May we be a part of that number!
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May 2024